I've been posting a lot of quotes and photos inspiration from the net and haven't really blogged about my weekly activities or life in general except when there are occasions like birthdays and stuff. Nothing really much exciting to say. I am not fully so open here because there are a few people who knows about this blog and I may say things that are inappropriate or hurt their feelings because I think I have a tendency to offer unsolicited advice and suggest things that are not applicable to them. So mostly I would post outer inspirations that help me express what I really feel, what I was going through at the time. I don't know how I could have explained it better or eloquently without using these quotes because for obvious reasons I have grammar flaws
What I wish for myself is to be able to write about something genuinely good and happy. My current state is not so good so how do I share a little bit of what I wish for? hmm that's a problem. So instead, I linger on possibilities, wanting new things, simple things like new bedsheets, new rug, new bag, new dress, new jeans, skirt, a camera, new lipstick, a necklace, and all fancy things. Am i materialistic? I don't know, maybe I am or maybe I'm just a woman who enjoys these things. If i was rich I would probably wish for bigger things. I am always living in my head. Dreaming.
I need this reminder. I need to tell me that my life is beautiful.
If I want to change it, then what's stopping me?